ABRSM (The Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music)
ABRSM – The Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music is the UK’s largest and world’s leading authority in music assessment, since 1889. For more than 125 years, the board sets a worldwide gold standard, delivering music exams in over 90 countries, with over 600,000 candidates taking them every year. In partnership with the Royal Schools of Music, ABRSM’s mission is to inspire achievement in music. ABRSM exams aim to enable the students to acquire the knowledge, skills and understanding necessary to perform music with accuracy, technical fluency and musical awareness.
An ABRSM grade has worldwide value and the exams are designed to motivate students at all levels and ages, providing realistic objectives and tangible rewards for their achievements. Through carefully structured syllabuses, it gives the developing musicians a set of worthwhile and motivational goals to work towards, providing them the opportunity to play high quality music and develop all-round musicianship.
Measuring students’ progress against international benchmarks is the best way to reassure them about their improvement, help them recognize their success and the best stimulus which can inspire them for a genuine achievement.
Brooklyn Melodies Music Center is an approved ABRSM exam center, and since 2007, is the leading institute with the largest number of students entered each exam session in the UAE.
ABRSM exams are designed for a variety of music instruments, such as Piano, Violin, Classical Guitar, Flute, Saxophone and others, as well as singing and music theory. The first possible music exam is the Prep Test – a simple and positive assessment before entering to the following eight levels – Grades 1 to 8. For the more advanced and determined students who wish to go beyond the 8 grades, ABSRM offers four professional diplomas in three subject areas.
In UAE, ABRSM exams are conducted twice a year – Spring and Winter Exam Sessions.
For more information please visit: https://ae.abrsm.org/en/home

RSL – ROCKSCHOOL is the world’s leading graded exam syllabus for popular music, since 1991.
It provides the contemporary musicians with carefully developed syllabuses, tailored to meet the needs of the modern day music industry. Rockschool is happy to deliver the most appealing and diverse academic curriculum, and proud of creating benchmarks, not boundaries.
Rockschool Exams are designed for a variety of contemporary music instruments, such as Acoustic Guitar, Electric Guitar, Bass, Drums, Piano & Keyboards, Ukulele; as well as Vocals, Music Theory and Music Production. Rockschool offers the opportunity for musicians of all ages and levels to progress and advance in their instruments, in a fun and practical way, starting from the introductory music exams Premiere or Debut, depending on the instrument, followed by the eight grades, and all the way up to University level degrees.
Whether student are taking their first steps in any music instrument or looking further for a higher music education, Rockschool graded exams will not only improve their playing abilities, but expand their technical proficiency and give them a solid grasp of music theory, and ultimately help them understand the unique role of their instrument – all whilst learning some of the most iconic tracks from the world of popular music.
Brooklyn Melodies Music Center is the exclusive representative of RSL – Rockschool in the UAE, and an approved exam center, since 2011. It is also the leading institute with the largest number of students entered each exam session.
In UAE, Rosckschool exams are conducted twice a year – Spring and Winter Exam Sessions.
For more information please visit: https://www.rslawards.com/rockschool/